Monday, 21 December 2009

Run Ninja Run!

Run run run run run run run run run run run....then stop,... to allow yourself to panic about all the stuff you haven't done yet. run run run run....and so on.

This is somewhat like Gym Ninja's life right now. Busy busy busy time of year.
 Of course, GN is not exactly saving herself time by typing out so many duplicates of words in this blog either. Ahem.   But, with a view to getting 'organised', Gym Ninja has sketched in a rough plan of Christmas week. Oh and yes, the gym does feature in this. In fact, the whole plan revolves around fitness, with everything else (bar Christmas day as that apparently cannot be moved) slotting in around it.  

So, thus follows the priorities in Gym Ninja's week.

1.  Gym/Home/Outdoor workouts. 
These must number at least 4, as per usual. Due to Gym closure over Christmas Day Boxing Day then shutting ridiculously early on Christmas Eve and also on Boxing Day-Day (the day after Boxing Day), Gym Ninja is getting creative with her workouts-something she will elaborate on tomorrow. Oooh.

2.  Last Minute Shopping.
This consists of her brother-in-laws additional Christmas present that for some reason she cannot bother to get, so may well end up being  cash.  It also consist of Supermarket Shopping-hopefully NOT the kind she elaborated on in the mammoth 3-part blog earlier. Gym Ninja has  bad dreams about running out of eggs-she gets through tonnes of egg whites in a week. She is something of an assassin of chicken foetuses.  Oh, and the ingredients of the 'still to be decided' Christmas Day dessert.  Apparently her health Chocolate Almond Pear recipe is not decadent enough for her family, so has been relegated to Boxing Day!!!

3.  Work.
Gym Ninja has to work right up until Christmas Eve. Boo Hiss. This should really be far lower on her list of priorities to be fair, but her  bank balance necessitates it features fairly high.

4. Revision.
Gym Ninja has to work her way through the Endocrine System plus other remarkable aspects of the human body.

The rest of the time, is Gym Ninja's 'own' for frittering away on food, sleep, household chores...*sigh* Gym Ninja awaits the cooking of her home made Butternut and Red Pepper soup (courtesy of the organic veg delivery today), she shall fill you in on today's gym workout. Some of you, FAR more than others, devour the gym sessions. Narcissistic of you-seeing whether you pop up in here eh? That's OK. I know you read this and I also know why. Enjoy...... ;-)

So...after a day out on the road, Gym Ninja was feeling a tad fatigued with a billion and one reasons as to why she should maybe head straight home and make  headway with her 'to do' list. But no. Gym Ninja is a strict taskmistress, and instead decided to test drive a new 'thing' she discovered.
Have you heard of it?
A super-concentrated hit of caffeine with 4 cals in it! She picked it up in Tesco earlier, and rather than stay up ALL night, quaffed only half the bottle for 'moderate energy' as it described on the pack. She got the blue one-she didn't realise until she just added the link for you that they had different colours...

Well.....Target did the job! Gym Ninja hared over to the gym and boxed off a 30 minute treadmill run, despite the frosty atmosphere and the overpowering body odour of the girl on the next treadmill to her. In fact, she actually felt that as she ramped up the speed nearer the middle to end of her run, that her legs were propelling her faster than she maybe wanted? That she could have increased the speed more or the time even more? All of this on HALF a shot (you do not want to know the typo that came up as she wrote 'shot' just then-good job she noticed!!) . Wow!

With a decent run done, and having to suddenly divert to the changing rooms as her fringe had poked her own eyes out as it dripped with sweat, she then headed up to lift for her upper body.

The gym was fairy busy for a night this close to Christmas, and a night that was so cold and icy too. This is fantastic to see how many people are dedicated enough to still rock up to the gym despite the weather, the coldness, the sheer busyness of this time of year and all the other temptations (such as office drinks, shopping etc) that can get in the way. Gym Ninja felt rather proud of everyone....or was it in fact a side effect of taking Target? Hmm, either way it felt nice.   Gym Ninja even turned a blind eye to the girl using the Easy Start Pedal on the Chest Press as part of the exercise ...think 'press with the foot pedal and push with the arms' kind of a starfish type move and you'll know what GN means. That is of no bother to GN when she is  glowing with Target! GN should drink Target more often.

Heavy weights and 4 sets of 8 reps was the order of the day. Now last week GN had started to alternate weight moves with 1 minute bouts of ' jumping in and out onto a step' type jumps. Not sure what they are actually called but she'd imagine it's certainly NOT what she just described it as! But she did that to rev up her metabolism. GN decided NOT to to this today-to give her body a bit of a break from that kind of intensity, but has great plans for her home workouts later in the week....oh yes...she CANNOT wait!  Hmm, not sure why she mentioned it really if she didn't do it? It'd be a long blog of she listed EVERYTHING she didn't do....

As Gym Ninja trained, she ran the gauntlet of stares from the Girl with the Backcombed Hair. (GWTBH). Now GWTBH has been staring for a good few weeks now. She's only young and possibly watching to see what ideas she can get for exercises to do? She does not think it is evil death stares-not like the ones GN is currently receiving. No, its merely a curiosity stare. GN also recalls doing that when she first set out in the gym many years ago. In fact, GN still does it now as often one forgets the rarer types of moves and seeing someone do it reminds you to also try it.  GWTBH had deposited herself on the adjacent treadmill earlier and attempted to keep up with GN. Something Gym Ninja was aware that the girl was doing, so kept revving up the speed until the poor girl had to stop. Sorry-but it was the Target that made GN do that!  So now here we were, in the weights section, shooting less than discreet stares in GN's direction. Cool. For now anyway...

Ooops-soup is ready to blend...hang fire......

OK, all souped up and sloshing about. Now where was GN...?

Ah yes-her gym session was actually rather uneventful in terms of characters and crazy moves. No performing seals on balls. No wafty windmill weights. No Ministry of Ridiculous Runs either to be fair. Must be because it's Christmas eh? Ah well, GN worked hard and topped up her muscles with her usual Promax protein mixed in with summer berries (did this at home, NOT at the gym as not even GN carries a blender with her!). Mmmm. Do not be afraid to experiment with your protein powder.
Add fruits and blend.
Mix it with half/half of different yet complimentary flavours.
Use it to flavour porridge (just stir in some of the powder 'neat')
Freeze it in the ice cube tray for mini protein treats.
Mix up with warmed skimmed milk for a hot chocolate protein drink
Mix in an egg and nuke it to make a rubbery puddingly type protein...

Hmm. GN will one day blog some recipes for you all. But don't forget to ensure you have stocked up on your supplements for over the Christmas festivities folks.  Do yourself a favour and go check your tubs (if you pardon the expression) and see if you may run low/out, then go online and order now whilst you remember.  if you don't have a protein powder of choice, then click on the links added to this blog and you can peruse Gym Ninja's favourite!!!!!!!!!!

So with that festive mention, she will pootle off for this evening and blog back tomorrow with an outline of her Christmas 'plan' to stay on track. You may also wish to 'play along at home'? She hopes you do.....

Gym Ninja x

back by popular demand............ ;-)

Would you rather have Cartoon hands with only 4 fat fingers OR Scribble for hair?