Gym Ninja has added a nice new banner. Did you notice it? Just above this. Look.
*waits as you look*
Now you may all have known about NikeID, yet Gym Ninja did not, and discovered it by chance last week. She is now totally obsessed with getting one of the smaller dispatch style bags (complete with laptop bit) for her laptop (obviously) plus work files for her Personal Training Course. She's thinking of having her future PT Business name and colours on it too....
Seriously, when did Nike start making bags to your spec? I mean, Gym Ninja gets to choose the colour combinations she wants, gets to choose the accessory colours to go with it and even what words and/or logo is added on and the colour of the font used. She is extremely excited about this. She is also going to get a tight lycra top done with her PT company name on it too. Her only concern is, where the lettering will fall? Will most likely stretch across her chest? WHAT happens if it does and then distorts? ANyway, go take a click on the banner and check it out. Gym Ninja bets before you know it, you're designing your own fleece/t shirt/trainers/bags! Gym Ninja does love Nike Gym Wear! That and USA Pro (now sadly dead as a Dodo) are the brands that take up most room in her workout drawers (yes, plural!).
Gym Ninja headed to the gym tonight. She didn't have as much time as originally planned, party due to her losing track of time and gabbing on the phone to a friend as she regaled her with her 'foot in mouth' moment of Tourettes during yesterday's Sales Meeting...
Picture this...Gym Ninja, plus two fellow colleagues (both male) plus the company MD (Big Boss) in the boardroom.
Sales Forecasts had been thrashed out and they were almost up to 'AOB' (any other business). Gym Ninja, having been awake since 4.30am, and being totally bored stupid at this stage, had now forgotten to apply the 'filter' to whatever comes out of her mouth....Oh, and it had just been announced that her colleague Rakesh was to be promoted on 1st April (Yep-a joke isn't it??) to Gym Ninja's line manager. Great!! ANOTHER manager to oversee GN! *sigh*
Big Boss: "So, 'Rakesh'...a good Indian Name eh?"
Rakesh nods.
Big Boss: "What does 'Rakesh' translate to in English then?"
Gym Ninja "Nob!"
*Cue silence...tumbleweed blow across the floor...Gym Ninja's eyes widen in an 'OMG I just said that out loud in a really loud voice to the company MD and her new line manager'. Big Boss stares back, mouth dropped open...and then laughs...and laugh and laughs and laughs and laughs....
So telling this story to her friend, plus having also arranged to visit her Grandfather in hospital after her workout, meant that the time available for the gym was now shortened considerably. So that was it! Gym Ninja had to get in and out of the gym in superquick time, yet work hard enough to sweat like a pig. Good job Gym Ninja is a sadistic trainer who pushes herself!!! Mission accepted!
*Cue Mission Impossible music*
Gym Ninja races to the gym. Once at the gym she stuffs her kit into the locker and heads to a treadmill. The gym car park, although full, was a red herring. The gym is not nearly as full as the car park suggested it was, which means that a large proportion of members are either in the new cafe (have ANY of you ever stayed to use the gym cafe or is it just 'happy go lucky' gym goers that use the cafe?), sploshing around in the pool, stuffed in the sauna or getting changed?
Quick! No time for long runs now. A quick 10 minute fast run and Gym Ninja leaps off the treadmill, narrowly missing an incredibly tall, long, lanky, tall, long, lanky (yes double the lankiness of a normal lanky person which is why she mentioned it twice) girl in grey marl top & shorts. She doesn't yet know the embarrassment of grey marl shorts then eh? The sweat patches? She soon will!
Up and over to the ladies only gym as it must surely be quieter in there? Over to the free weights, grabbing some 10kg dumbbells as she passes, and then the game of 'Excuse me, are you using this bench even though you are nowhere near it yet seem to have your stuff on it?' kind of a question/answer session with other women, until GN located a spare bench. Bent Over DB rows done! Interspersed with box jumps onto an aerobic step. Heart Rate maintained in a high zone! Incline DB Chest Press done, interspersed with the jumps as before. Gym Ninja is shiny and sweaty now (but NOT a Pinky remember!) Standing lateral DB raises done, again with the jumps between sets. Dash over to treadmill, race for 3 minutes, then jump off and bound over to the Seated Row where GN stacked the weight and did her sets. Up and off to the free weights again....and so on.....not once stopping for breath or rest. Heart rate stayed nice and high and the sweat showed GN she was working nice and hard!
Apart from a brief 'Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom' type moment with a large inflatable stability ball (it rolled towards her in a menacing way as a girl across the other side of the room pinged it out from under her heels), GN remained undistracted and focussed intensely on her workout. She even managed to blast out 3 sets of Zottman Curls for her biceps at the end of her usual arm training. Made for a very wobbly shaker experience as she mixed up her Maximuscle Promax protein afterwards!!!!!
So now GN is all ready to celebrate her birthday tomorrow, & is very excited about her evening plans with her friends. Out to dinner and then onto bars/clubs/whatever takes their fancy. Will Gym Ninja drink alcohol? She rarely drinks ever! So when she now does, it goes straight to her head and she falls over. Hmmm, GN is undecided as of yet, but will report back Sunday to regale you with her healthy eating restaurant food choice, whether she drank or not, how many Doormen she discussed squats and deadlifts with, and exactly how many men who work out and look good she spotted on route (yes, and maybe a few sneaky pics too!!!)
Toodle pip!
Gym Ninja xx