Gym Ninja's Maximuscle parcel has been dispatched. Fingers crossed it will arrive tomorrow (Friday).
Gym Ninja has tried & tried but eventually failed to cope without her beloved Promax protein powder in Choc Mint flavour. Mmm. Maybe it's her imagination but she is certain the hint of mint is the protein equivalent of cleaning ones teeth in the morning. Gives you a fantastic fresh post-workout feeling. You can only buy the Choc Mint direct from their site, so don't even bother trailing the supermarkets or health food stores as it won't be there. Yep-Gym Ninja looked for it even though she knew it wouldn't be....well, people make mistakes no? The strawberry is delicious and works extremely well blended with frozen berries to make a fruit smoothie. The banana flavour also works well mixed in as part of a protein smoothie, and the chocolate is good on it's own, as well as stirred into porridge. The BEST porridge 'add in' protein is the Cookies & Cream flavour. Yum! But the Choc Mint wins hands down for the zingy post workout feel when you just need that extra boost...
(Pssst: GN has not yet plucked up the nerve to try Orange flavour though....)
Ahem. Off on a tangent! her hamper (as it were), she has ordered 2 tubs of Promax (strawberry and Choc Mint) which are currently on offer, 2 for £55.99 which saves a fair bit. She also went to add some Maxi-Milk (chocolate flavour as it's lovely warmed and supped of an evening before bed in a hot-chocolately style drink with slow release proteins) only to discover that there, in front of her Gym Ninjary eyes, appeared a 'Buy a box for £12.99' offer. Well, it'd have been rude not to! Gym Ninja then finished off with a box of Promax Crisp bars. Mmmmmmmmmm. As ever, the links are on the right as any of the Maximuscle ones will take you direct to their site so you can browse for yourselves. But a BRAND NEW offer for blog folk just like you, is that if you DO go via this blog's side links rather than type in the web page yourself, then there is a 'special offer all for you'.
Gym Ninja spoils her little Ninjarettes she really does!....well, Maximuscle spoil you actually....but GN is happy to take the glory!
So...what is the offer then?
Ok, so if you click THIS LINK HERE then you can order a Mini Tub of Promax in Chocolate flavour and you get free delivery and a FREE SHAKER!
Do not underestimate how useful these shakers are. Don't turn your nose up if you think "well I've already got a shaker!".
Gym Ninja has three shaker bottles and is still happy to collect more (she needs one for the car you see).
One lives in the gym bag.
One lives at her mums house.
One in her own house.
So, you could have one in your gym bag, one in the office (sometimes it just saves carrying them to work-all you then have to do is either bag up your servings and take those with you each day OR use the Mini Tub of chocolate Promax as your 'at work stash'), one at your partners house....see? You want LOADS now don't you? Maybe Maximuscle should introduce limited edition shaker bottles with different coloured lids (like Smarties did), or with sports personalities signatures on them...?
AHHHR! Digressing again!. So, just in case you forgot...THIS IS A NINJA BLOG OFFER for Gym Ninja's Ninjarettes. if you go looking for it direct on their website you will not find it! It is secret. So if you have friends who would like to take advantage of this offer then tip em off. Tell them to read this blog (or skim it) and click on the gigantic link Gym Ninja added in the paragraph above.
So....why does Gym Ninja bleat on about Maximuscle ALL THE TIME? Those of you who follow this blog know already. Those relatively new or just visiting for the day (hey, do call again!), don't. see....this is how it happened:........
Gym Ninja has dabbled in sports supplements for many years. Some taste like cack. Some smell like vomit. Some have an odd consistency. Some taste fab. Some give you wind. Some work really well. Some are full of additives of a dodgy nature. Some don't do a thing. Some have cheap ingredients. Some are so expensive your eyes water. There are MANY MANY factors to consider when choosing your supplements you know.
Maximuscle test ALL their products and back up their claims with science. Gym Ninja likes science. She likes facts and figures and proven reports.
Gym Ninja is also greedy and has to actually enjoy taking her supplements. Maximuscle products taste great.
Gym Ninja also wants the moon on a stick and wants her supplements to make changes in her physique and performance if her diet and exercise plan is where its should be at.
Whaddayaknow? Maximuscle stuff works for Gym Ninja. Like no other brand has.
Oh and if it's good enough for some major sports stars who endorse it, then it's good enough for Gym Ninja at her local gym! ;-)
So....why throw away money on cheaper supplements when mostly they don't work as well or taste as good? It's hardly saving money of they don't benefit you is it? May as well tip em down the drain.
If you order the Maximuscle supplements, then they also offer a full refund if you're not totally convinced having ordered the products from their website. I.E you don't think they live up to the claims, You don't think you saw a difference in how you look or feel, You can even send it back if you don't like the taste!!!!! Yeh-even having opened and used it! So you're not even taking a risk are you?
That's why she chooses to promote their range on her blog. Gym Ninja is NOT a shop window advertising all manner or supplements. She will ONLY promote what she herself has tried and found to work. FACT! Share the luuurve, that's GN's approach!
So....that was a surprising blog post from Gym Ninja. She'd no clue herself that her addiction to Maximuscle stuff was going to fall out over the keyboard tonight! She thought she was going to tell you about how she nearly died in Spin Class tonight, but as she is still recovering she'll save that for tomorrow's post ok?
Right-now go back to that HERRRUGE link and see if you fancy the freebie offer.
Toodle pip
Gym Ninja x