Ahhhhhh, doncha just love the Saturday Slaughter Sessions?
By midweek it's fair to say that Gym Ninja is already chomping at the proverbial bit to get stuck into a hardcore sweaty hour of Extreme Spin, plus a 45 minute weight training session. Sometimes (if up early enough) the weights session occurs first. Usually (damned inability to go to bed early even when tired!) due to a late arrival at the gym, the weights commence after the sweaty old spin class. Either way, as tough as it may feel at the time (and all weekends are different), there is no doubting that Gym Ninja leaves the gym...nay,....'staggers' from the gym, a renewed, endorphined-up Ninja!!!!!!!!
Saturday appeared as if out of nowhere...........albeit in the typical 'always follows a Friday' type fashion. Isn't it always the way? Any other day you feel you could tackle a Slaughter Session head on, but on the actual day? Blah. You're having an off day. No energy. Feeling a tad tired.......so, what to do?
Well Gym Ninja had already pre-planned for such an occasion. She had left her Inspiration File by her gym bag so that the moment she went to pack it, she'd get a flash of physiques that would quash any lethargy or any 'hmm, maybe I'll just coast it today' type feelings and push her into working hard. Yep...it certainly worked (that and the can of Diet Emerge energy drink..now only 25p a can at Asda by the way!)
Gym Ninja warmed up her tired body with a 10 minute run once she made it to the gym. Her body seemed ok with that. It wasn't a struggle. Good! Then it was up to the Spin Studio where the fab Instructor was waiting...waiting or, as Gym Ninja suspects, 'scheming' and devising an evil hour of intervals, speed work, sprints, runs, hills etc...which is exactly why Gym Ninja makes the effort to attend!!! The room was filled with the Regulars, including Dangly Cross Man, Clippy (who sloped in just as the class was about to start) and another regular who doesn't seem to have a 'name' as GN cannot think of one, but she's great to chat to.
Just as the class was about to begin, Gym Ninja realised she'd forgotten to don her running leggings. Now the reason Gn wears these for Spin is that excess fabric just flails around like sails of a ship, slowing down the legs and making the spin class even tougher. Don't get GN wrong, she HAD put clothes on, but nothing skin tight. F*ck! So, with moments to spare, up went the Adidas trouser legs (rolled up to thigh level) in preparation for the hour of hell to follow.....
And it was! Hell! But good hell. When GN started to tire, all she needed to do was focus on the impending photoshoot booked in for 12th May. That one thought alone suddenly would ignite GN's little legs, sending them faster into a panic. Unless Gym Ninja has a bum she can bounce coins off, then she's not gonna be happy in front of the camera!
One sweaty tough hour later and Gym Ninja hobbled from the spin studio ready to start her leg session. Holy schmoly, her legs were seriously getting thrashed today!
Leg Press, Bulgarian Split Squats, Romanian Deadlifts, then some burnout work with resistance bands to finish off any last effort her legs and bum may be able to muster up. At one point, Gym Ninja pulled on the Romanian Chair frame and it nearly fell over. Hmm, GN never learns. She is certain that's happened before!!!
After the gym and a shower and freshen up, GN then headed to the home of her client. It was their first training session after last week's consultation & it was fun to take the client one step nearer her goal of the 'Gold Bikini' (this is what her client is focussing on, and after 1 week of making dietary changes, attending workout classes and walking during her lunch breaks, is definitely on track!). The hour flew by and was finished off with a 10 minute running session on the promenade in the sunshine. Lovely!
Later that evening, Gym Ninja decided to attempt to concoct a healthy nutrition bar from scratch. Do not ask where this came from or why now? She just did.....
Into a bowl went some uncooked oats, 4 tablespoons of reduced fat peanut butter, a scoop of chocolate Maximuscle Promax Protein powder, and some water. In went cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. It was then mixed together, spread into a lined tin and frozen for an hour before being cut into slices...
Gym Ninja couldn't wait! Mmm, healthy and no added sugars either!
Carefully, Gym Ninja cut a small square and put it into her mouth......and chewed...
Hmm, the added spices were strong and coming through noticeably...
Brr, it was a tad cold...
Hmm, can't taste the chocolate protein powder...
before finally thinking...
A big cold sludgy uncooked lump of oats disguised in what looks like a tasty flapjack format, but in fact appears to be so indigestible it is still sitting like a lead brick, in Gym Ninja's stomach 2 hours later!!!!
LADIES, Gym Ninja has developed the perfect......APPETITE SUPPRESSANT!!!!!
See you all back here tomorrow (assuming GN has digested the lead weight nutrition bar and has not died in her sleep from self-poisoning)
Gym Ninja (and the lead brick of a bar) x